Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cause and effect in biology and history

Mayr’s book Toward a New Philosophy of Biology is filled with truly profound and fascinating essays. In “Cause and Effect in Biology,” he discusses the question of determinism and prediction in biology. The question is quite important, because a mechanistic interpretation of the physical world, which considers only physical or physicochemical causes and explanations, fails to really account for biological phenomenon (and other, higher, levels of organization, including social development). This leads generally to supernatural explanations for life—vitalism, spiritualism, religion, etc.

In the works of Descartes, one finds this relationship—between mechanistic materialism and spiritualism—expressed quite clearly. The body is a machine, according to Descartes, something akin to a system of water pumps. This obviously fails to account for the great complexity of biological phenomena, particularly mental experience, and the soul is postulated to account for what can not be explained by analogy to a simple machine. And the mechanistic worldview of Newtonian physics (or rather, the attempt to explain all of the material world in reference only to this physics) is in fact quite compatible with the most varied forms of religious obscurantism, and Newton himself embodied these two ways of seeing the world (he devoted as much time to Biblical exegesis as he did to the creation of the new physics).

Mayr quotes C. Bernard as declaring, “We admit that the life phenomena are attached to physicochemical manifestations, but it is true that the essential is not explained thereby; for no fortuitous coming together of physicochemical phenomena constructs each organism after a plan and a fixed design (which are foreseen in advance) and arouses the admirable subordination and harmonious agreement of the acts of life…Determinism can never be [anything] but physiochemical determinism. The vital force and life belong to the metaphysical world.” Indeed, to a certain extent this argument is cogent, i.e., if you accept the premises, then the conclusion more or less follows. However, the question is really whether or not physiochemical determinism accounts for the entire scope of natural law governed processes. Similar arguments are brought out by those who would seek to deny that there is a science of history—history can not be a science because it cannot have the sort of laws that physics has. Popper has made a variety of this argument in some of his writings. The social analogy of vitalism, the idea that there is a special “life force,” generally associated with the soul or some metaphysical entity, has its analogies in the historical sciences—the “great man theory of history,” and other varieties of historical idealism.

Indeed, the relationship between biology and the science of human history is deeper. Biology is a historical science. As the great evolutionist Dobzhansky reminded us, “nothing in biology makes sense outside of evolution,” that is, outside of history. The rise and triumph of evolutionary biology, beginning with Darwin and becoming firmly established during the first decades of the twentieth century with the “evolutionary synthesis,” revolutionized biology, placing evolution at its core and requiring all biological phenomena to be understood in the process of their historical development.

Mayr quotes the physicist Max Delbruck (“A physicist looks at biology,” 1949): “Any living cell carries with it the experiences of a billion years of experimentation by its ancestors.” That is, the biological entity—the cell, the organism, the species—is the product of a prolonged period of interaction between its ancestors and the surrounding world. To understand the entity, one must understand how it came to be, how its ancestors interacted and adapted to the totality of its organic and inorganic environment. For the purposes of categorization and experimentation, it can be abstracted from its historical and biological environment, but a truly concrete understanding of its nature comes only from cognition of this environment. Speaking more generally, Hegel once said that if one were to eliminate one speck of dust, the entire universe would collapse, by which he meant that the universe can only truly be comprehended as a unity of difference, and not as isolated essences.

In discussing cause and effect in biology Mayr distinguishes between two fundamental types of cause: proximate cause and ultimate cause. Among the proximate causes, one includes the physiochemical or immediate environmental factors that produce a biological event, e.g., the migration of a bird on a particular day. One might point to the temperature on that day, a certain neural state induced by the environment in the bird, etc. When one begins to explain the event in terms of the evolutionary heritage of the bird, its specific adaptations that have led it to migrate south when the weather turns cold, etc., then one is dealing with ultimate causes. “These are causes that have a history,” Mayr writes, “and that have been incorporated into the system through many thousands of generations of natural selection…[P]roximate causes govern the responses of the individual (and his organs) to immediate factors of the environment, while ultimate causes are responsible for the evolution of the particular DNA program of information with which every individual of every species is endowed.” The “purposiveness” of biological phenomena, which so impressed Bernard, is a product of these historical, ultimate causes.

In history, the proximate causes are those that deal with the particular individuals or political forces acting at a given stage of history—the assassination of the Archduke let the Austrian government to issue an ultimatum, sparking a network of alliances that led to World War I. The ultimate causes are those that refer to the deeper social forces at work—the rise of German imperialism, the conflict between the nation-state system of Europe and the globalization of the world economy, etc.

We come now to the problem of prediction in biology. According to Mayr, “The theory of natural selection can describe and explain phenomena with considerable precision, but it cannot make reliable predictions, except through such trivial and meaningless circular statements, as, for instance: ‘The fitter individuals will on average leave more offspring.’” While there are many types of biological predictions that can be made, “Probably nothing in biology is less predictable than the future course of evolution.”

It is worthwhile examining in some detail the four reasons that Mayr cites for the difficulty of biological prediction, because an important question that a Marxist would want to address is how a science of human history may have predictive power. It is one thing to explain something scientifically; it is another to be able to predict the future course of events. The first reason he gives is the “randomness of an event with respect to the significance of the event.” In particular, DNA mutations are random: “The occurrence of a given mutation is in no way related to the evolutionary needs of the particular organism or of the population to which it belongs.” Similarly with recombination. Second, “Uniqueness of all entities at the higher levels of biological integration.” Third, “extreme complexity.” And fourth, “Emergence of new qualities at higher levels of integration.”

I am not sure I see a problem with the latter three reasons. Mayr himself points out that the uniqueness of individuals still allows for statistical predictions, and draws an analogy to particles in a gas moving individually in different and unpredictable directions, but having predictable effects at a more macroscopic level. Moreover, extremely complex entities do not necessarily preclude predictability. Bring a fire to a man’s hand and he will withdraw it, regardless of how complex his biological constitution may be. One can predict the stages through which a man will pass in his biological development as well, because this extremely complex development is nevertheless regulated by genetic mechanisms. Finally, certainly with complex entities one sees the emergence of new characteristics, however one also sees the emergence of new laws, of new regularities, which allow predictions at the higher level of organization.

It seems to me that the first reason is the most significant. Evolution involves a large degree of randomness, and there is no direct relationship between the “evolutionary needs” of a population with this randomness. However, I am not convinced that this really eliminates the ability to make predictions about evolution either. Can one not predict that if one introduces a species of bird into an environment in which the only source of food favors birds with larger beaks, that the population of birds will evolve toward larger beaks? One knows that there is variation in beak size and this is governed by different allele frequencies. The larger beaks will tend to be selected for. Of course, the prediction is highly conditional—assuming that the birds do not find a different source of food; assuming that a mutation is not introduced that sends the population in a different evolutionary direction; etc. Nevertheless, randomness in mutation and recombination does not do away entirely with the ability to make predictions.

How to bring this discussion to the question of historical laws and historical predictions? While I have argued that predictions about biological evolution are still possible, I think the case can be made more strongly for social development, which involves very different forms of organization than biological evolution. Human societies are highly regulated in a way that biological populations in general are not, and this introduced very definite “evolutionary pressures” and much more predictable responses to these pressures. In particular, the process of production and the growth of the productive forces replaces evolution as the main driving force of the development of the human species [though of course biological evolution has not disappeared].

As Marx wrote, “In the social production of their existence, men inevitable enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production…The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life…At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production,” which begins an era of social revolution. “In studying such transformations it is always necessary to distinguish between the material transformation of the economic conditions of production, which can be determined with the precision of natural science, and the legal, political, religious, artistic or philosophic—in short, ideological forms in which men become conscious of this conflict and fight it out.”

There is no real correlate to class structure at a biological level. One sees for the first time in the history of life on earth the emergence of a dynamic social structure that, through culture (by which I mean the use of tools and knowledge and language that is transmitted from generation to generation outside of the framework of the genome), comes to dominate historical change within the population. The social requirements for the continued development of the productive forces and human society are much more definite than the evolutionary requirements for the continued development of populations in general. This is because the development of the productive forces imposes definite constraints on the social relations that will allow for their further development. For example, the socialization of the production under capitalism can only be continued and developed through the abolition of the private ownership of the productive forces. The internationalization of the productive forces can only be further developed through the abolition of the system of competing nation-states. In this sense one can predict the necessary stages in the development of human society, the “material transformation of the economic conditions of production…can be determined with the precision of natural science.” [In the comments section of this post, I elaborate on the issues raised in this paragraph. I have also changed above the phrase "socialization of the productive forces" to "socialization of production."]

I would also make the argument that the “selection pressures” imposed by the requirements of the productive forces produce the required “mutations”, or individual actions and persons, with far greater regularity than evolutionary requirements produce the needed mutations in DNA. The required personalities and political tendencies are more or less direct products of the social environment, though “more or less” here encompasses a great deal, since the relationship between the material base of human society and ideological manifestations is a complex one. However, this relationship allows for a sort of Lamarkian, or non-genetic evolution of human society, thereby reducing the amount of randomness. In human history, and not in biological evolution, the need for birds with bigger beaks actually leads to the production of birds with bigger beaks.

This by no means diminishes the need for conscious action among men, for all changes in the social relations of production must be mediated through these conscious actions. The role of the subjective factor in the conflict between different social forces requires that any definite predictions be conditional upon decisions and actions made by individuals and by parties. One can predict with absolute certainty the emergence in the coming period of enormous social struggles on an international scale; one can say with certainty that the crisis of world capitalism and the further development of the productive forces can only be resolved through an international socialist movement. However, the result of these struggles and the success of this movement is an open question that remains to be decided.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger - said...

I beleive it is not a point of "socialization can only be acheived through socialization" , rather, that socialization of production can only be acheived by eliminating the constraint of private ownership upon the productive forces. Similarly, Internationalization can only continue if the constraints of the nation-state are eliminated.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Joe Kay said...

The distinction is between the character of the productive forces and the social relations in which they are developed (or hindered). One can have socialized production, in the sense that the productive process involves the bringing together of vast numbers of people, even if one has private ownership (of the production process itself as well as the products of this production). Non-socialized production involves, for example, artisan production, in which the owner of the productive forces is also the main or sole producer. With the concentration of capital, production becomes increasingly socialized, even though the forms of ownership are not. The point is that this creates enormous tensions, particularly between the owners of the productive forces--the capitalists--and the workers who supply the labor. The conflict can only be resolved through the abolition of private ownership, that is, through socialism.

Similarly, the productive forces take on an increasingly international character under capitalism, even as the capitalist system remains wedded to the nation-state system. The system of nation-states is the means through which competing capitalist groups advance their interests against each other, and establish their power over the masses of each of the countries. The conflict between globalized production and the nation-state system is the basic cause of inter-capitalist conflict and of war in the epoch of imperialism. The threat of war can only be overcome through the elimination of this framework of nation-states, which means the elimination of the capitalist system and the creation of a globally-integrated, rationally-controlled socialist society.

So there is no tautology here. It is only a tautology if you identify the productive forces with the social relations in which they exist. In fact, these are distinct, though interrelating and interconnected phenomena.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Edie said...

"It is not in any way useful or insightful to say that a=a. It's not instructive; or, even, formulaic."

Out of ignorant curiosity, how does it affect the argument to contest Aristotle's Law of Identity?

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Joe Kay said...

All right, then we have a terminological argument. Better to simply site Marx on this. In Capital Volume One Chapter 32 Marx, in speaking of the transformations associated with primative accumulation under capitalism, writes:

"As soon as this process of transformation has sufficiently decomposed the old society from top to bottom, as soon as the laborers are turned into proletarians, their means of labor into capital, as soon as the capitalist mode of production stands on its own feet, then the further socialization of labor and further transformation of the land and other means of production into socially exploited and, therefore, common means of production, as well as the further expropriation of private proprietors, takes a new form. That which is now to be expropriated is no longer the laborer working for himself, but the capitalist exploiting many laborers. [That is, capitalists start expropriating capitalists] This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself, by the centralization of capital. One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this centralization, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever-extending scale, the co-operative form of the labor-process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labor into instruments of labor only usable in common, the economizing of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialized labor, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world-market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime. Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolize all advantages of this process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working-class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organized by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself. The monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production, which has sprung up and flourished along with, and under it. Centralization of the means of production and socialization of labor at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. Thus integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated."

So here he is speaking of the socialization of labor. Fine. Your contention is that when I speak of the socialization of the productive forces, this necessarily means their social ownership. I was using it to refer to such things as "the transformation of the instruments of labor into instruments of labor only usable in common, the economizing of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialized labor, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world-market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime." The latter of course being what I am speaking of when I refer to globalization, which has taken on a new form in the modern era with the globalization or internationalization of the productive forces, under capitalism. The actual production process is globally integrated within the transnational corporation, and this is something more than global markets of goods. All of this occurs within capitalism, making socialism both possible and necessary.

I don't think that your alternative formulation--"the continued advancement and development of the productive forces can only be achieved through socialization"--is sufficient because it does not give any indication of why the further development of the productive forces requires socialism. Socialism is necessary because the social character of production, and with it the globalization of production, occurs within capitalism itself, coming into conflict with the private ownership of the productive forces. Under different historical conditions your formulation would be equally valid if we replaced "socialization" with "capitalism".

I don't really think the terminological distinction that you are making is clearly correct, however I will concede that the term socialization is an ambiguous one so long as you accept the basic premise of what I am saying, or what Marx is saying, which I think now anyway is quite clear.

As for the Mayr book, the paperback is what I have, from 1989. You can get it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674896661/qid=1136052359/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-5795165-6392111?n=507846&s=books&v=glance.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Joe Kay said...

The link I gave is not working. Just search on Amazon for "Toward a new philosophy of biology" and it will come up first.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Joe Kay said...

In Lenin's essay on Marx, he writes:

"From the foregoing, it is evident that Marx deduces the inevitability of the transformation of capitalist society into socialist society wholly and exclusively from the economic law of the development of contemporary society. The socialization of labor, which is advancing ever more rapidly in thousands of forms and has manifested itself very strikingly, during the half-century since the death of Marx, in the growth of large-scale production, capitalist cartels, syndicates and trusts, as well as in the gigantic increase in the dimensions and power of finance capital, provides the principal material foundation for the inevitable advent of socialism. The intellectual and moral motive force and the physical executor of this transformation is the proletariat, which has been trained by capitalism itself. The proletariat's struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat ('the dictatorship of the proletariat'). The socialization of production cannot but lead to the means of production becoming the property of society, to the 'expropriation of the expropriators.'"

Here the term "socialization of production" is used to refer to the developments under capitalism, which make possible and necessary socialism, in which "the means of production become the property of society."

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Joe Kay said...

First of all, let me explain more what I mean by saying that "a mechanistic interpretation of the physical world, which considers only physical or physicochemical causes and explanations, fails to really account for biological phenomenon." By this I do not mean that biological or social phenomena are not made up of more basic components. The problem with a mechanistic interpretation is that it does not consider the higher forms of organization to be entities in their own right. Instead, they are "merely" particles interacting according to phyisical laws. The higher forms of organization are then merely convenient ways of referring to something that is really just particles interacting in a very complex way. However, I would argue that a social class has as much a claim to actual existence as a hydrogen atom. They are both very real entities; the terms just describe forms of organization of matter at different levels. Matter (or matter-energy), I would argue, by itself simply denotes an abstract and empty category. It it only concrete when it takes a particular form, such as a hydrogen atom or a social class. Certainly, these are different types of forms of matter, however they both in a very real sense exist. And yes, a social class may be composed of hydrogen and various other atoms, but the hydrogen atom is also composed of protons and electrons, which are themselves particular forms of matter-energy, which can be made to take a different form (for example, a proton can be made to transform into a neutron and a positron). The point is that matter may take different forms at different levels, and each of the levels has a legitimate existence because it involves a different set of categories and regularities. Yes, one can describe in theory (though certainly not in practice) a particular system in terms of all the atoms or all the quarks and their interactions that compose that system, but in the process something is lost, and that is the types of regularities and categories that exist at a higher level.

My point about religion is that if one acknowledges the physical laws of material development as the only real laws, then one has great difficulty in explaining the higher forms of organization. These appear to somehow be extraordinary, miraculous, religious. With the development of Darwinism, biological phenomena became explicable; with the development of Marxism, social phenomena became explicable. The development of life and the development of society are both different forms of the development of matter, and the laws and concepts that govern this development were now known. So religion is no longer necessary. As Engels notes somewhere, it is social phenomena that really constitute the last frontier of the inexplicable, which is why the growth of class consciousness will bring with it the growth of atheism.

As for quantum mechanics, I am no expert on the collapse of the wave function. However, I do think that resorting to "supernatural consciousness" is something of a non-answer. Is this consciousness itself composed of matter governed by the laws of quantum physics? Then it is not supernatural. If it is not, then what is it? How is the choice of how the wave function collapses made? Can one explain this by physical laws? If so, then again there is nothing supernatural involved. If not, then what are we talking about? I do think that quantum mechanics does raise some interesting and as yet unanswered questions about the relationship between, and interconnection of, the subject and the onject, the observer and the observed, the macroscopic and the microscopic. However I do not think supernaturalism has any room to maneuver here, any more than intelligent design has room to maneuver in the cracks of evolutionary theory.


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